Family Ali

Family Ali

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Faith filled action

God is good. I only doubted for a hot second before I turned worry into worship. Russell and I took faith filled action. Our whole trip was up in the air - not like the movie, but it was this rock solid decision with all of these ethereal details. The details are floating in thin air - but lingering around my head like a pesty gnat. I felt like I needed an RV to pin down a departure date. Or at least the possibility of getting one. I really felt like we shouldn't take a 35' giant RV up the coast after talking to people and doing more research: safety, gas $, my potential driving, etc. So we said no to that offer, our only offer in 3 months. That's when I got scared. The "what if's" crept in. I reminded myself that we are following God's plan and if He brings you to it - He will bring you through it. (there are a lot of gems in this little entry, I don't want to use up all of my wisdom in one entry:)). Correction - not my wisdom, Rick Warren's really. Which, then, credit goes to Christ.

And brought me through it he did! We have options! Who doesn't love options? Now have to make a simple choice - 26' - great gas mileage, easy shopping center entrance, poor sleeping set up for kids. Or 29'- not great gas mileage - better sleeping quarters. No wrong choice here.

We have tenatively moved our departure date for our Rhythm of Love - couples workshop tour to Sept 29th ish...can I get a woop woop? (My Jay-Z tribute)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Prayer Makes a Difference

I begin my week on Thursday...for no other reason than I spiritually am lifted and supported by my 4 person Bible fellowship group who meet at an office in the middle of the day to revive our spirits. So you could say that I wake up on Thursdays. Yes I watch Church online or attend but it is in the small groups where I am face to face with my peers each a piece of the body of Christ. So I am face to face with the diverse face of the Holy Spirit. Okay I think I have hammered the point. So as I was saying, I wake up on Thursdays! Last week I was mentally struggling everywhere. At work, with Rohan, with Janae and unwilling to take the time to have a quiet time with God. So when I reached last Thursday I was ready to make the following week one filled with times of purposeful prayer and a daily quiet time. Now I use the term "quiet time" very loosely since Rohan is 2.5 years old and we share the mornings together which can be anything but quiet. So I fit in my Bible reading and prayer in between his breakfast and morning PBS shows. One of the many things I love about Rohan is that he can recognize when I am reading the Bible or praying...because he will ask me, "Are your reading the Bible Poppa."Anyhow back to last week and my big turn around. I learned many things last week reading about being in expectation of blessing, speaking the blessing to people around me and getting that I am to teach Rohan and Royce how to control themselves and not me controlling them. Some of these actions not unknown to me but last week through prayer and my submitting my day to God caused me to actually read some of the articles that Janae gave to me a week ago and receptive to try some of the suggestions and week transformed, my love grew and my headaches where lifted. In my stubbornness I know prayer and quiet time makes a difference; my task at hand is to shorten the time I fight the Holy Spirit's tug to get into God's word. I am a much better Poppa and Hubby and wouldn't you know it...I actually had some time to write this entry. God Bless and let me know how I can support you in having your daily quiet time. - Russell

Do you have a vision that you have ignored?

Do you have a vision that you have ignored? One that sometimes keeps you up at night with dreams of acting on it?
A vision like... careening in a can (RV) for 30 days with a husband that drives an Rv like a Porche (ahh)- can, you know, once in a while be a little snappy - but a wonderful man; a two year old who speaks 3 languages - English, Sign, and Whine, and is let's say - like that little pink bunny that never stops - but he is super fun; and an infant ('nuff said)!Well our vision is not just RVing and adventuring our beautiful countryside but to lead workshops for couples and families. When I can't sleep at night I am more thinking of the people we will meet and influence, the amazing memories we will have on our expedition.
Well - the courageous Russell and I have decided to say yes to this knock at our hearts! We know God is leading us out there and all we have to do is be willing to choose yes!
Which is not easy and we have many fears and excuses not to. Some of which are proving true. But we are excited to see God work in this journey. What vision have you ignored?